Promoting Cooperation Harmony Unity Since 1967
Welcome to IAASA!
Indian Australian Association of South Australia (IAASA) is a not-for-profit organisation which was established in 1967 and a constitution was formulated in 1971 for the explicit purpose of promoting Indian culture in Australia. It was also a paramount aim of IAASA to involve all South Australians, not only Indian heritage migrants, to develop a spirit of cooperation, unity and interaction between Indian and Australian communities to promote harmony.
Moreover, IAASA functions as a peak body for all the Indian regional and cultural organisations and is the first port of call for the government for any issue concerning the Indian community
Our Corporate Supporters

Upcoming Events
Our Community
Let’s come together, have fun and make better use of the IAASA Community Centre!
IAASA and its members have always provided support to the community in formal and informal ways since its inception.
From 2017 IAASA has introduced community programs for the betterment of members and persons of Indian origin in a more formal way. The intention is to make the IAASACC a more active vibrant community centre enriching Indian culture, heritage and traditions. The programs also build bridges between Indian and Australian communities.

IAASA Yearly Activities
Senior's Well Being
Students Support
Women’s Well Being
New Migrant Meet & Greet
IAASA is currently exploring opportunity to present various programs When sufficient interest is gauged to make any program viable, it can be scheduled. Have fun as you learn, connect and improve. The more interest there is expressed in any of the programs listed above, the sooner the focus will be to provide it. Costs are anticipated to be between $4-$10 per session. IAASA members are to be offered discounts. Upfront payment will ensure certainty and viability in spite of participants withdrawing. Refunds are unlikely unless very special circumstances dictate it. Some presenters have come forward already. Do volunteer your skills if you have the talent, inclination and time to teach and share various programs. More hands mean greater variety and greater fun. (Link to expression of interest for presenters and expression of interest for participants here)
What you need to do: Submit an expression of interest straightaway to [email protected] detailing your area of interest either as a presenter or a participant. The sooner you indicate your interest, the earlier a program can be scheduled. Get friends to submit expressions of interest of presentation or participation to ensure a particular program does commence and is at a time and length that suits you.
Resources available include a whiteboard, computers, litepro and wifi. These are early attempts to make the IAASA Community Centre more of a vibrant Community Centre.
Let’s work together and succeed.