Message from Dept of Home Affairs

Dear Community Leader,

Topics for this newsletter

  ·         COVID-19 Information

  o   State Government Information

  §  SA Health – Super -Walk-in Weekend

  §  SA Health update – 18 October

  o   Commonwealth Government Information

  §  Joint media statement from the Prime Minister about Australia’s Next Steps to Reopen to the World

  §  Department of Health – in-language information about the COVID vaccine

  §  Proof of COVID-19 vaccinations

  ·         Australia’s Skilled Migration Program – special webinar – 27 October 2021

  ·         Domestic and Family Violence (DFV) – information for organisations that supports temporary visa holders experiencing DFV

  ·         Fearlessly Australian – media channels

  ·         Australian Values channels  – “toolkit”

COVID-19 Information

  o   State Government Information

  ·         Super -Walk-in Weekend  – Reminder from SA Health that on Saturday 23 and Sunday 24 October, participating sites across South Australia will be offering walk-in COVID-19 vaccinations – no appointment needed! Please be patient on the day as you may need to wait. Children 12 to 15 years must be accompanied by their parent or
caregiver. Go to SA Health’s website for location details.

  ·         SA Health update for CALD communities: On 18 October, SA health sent an update to SA CALD community leaders which included information on: Booking a vaccine appointment in your language (15 language options other than English); Translating the SA Health website; Training – Building Vaccine Confidence, COVID-19 vaccine presentation with Nicola Spurrier. If you are not receiving the SA Health updates, please contact [email protected].

  o   Commonwealth Government Information

  ·          Next Steps to Reopen to the World – You may be interested to read a recent joint media statement from the Prime Minister about Australia’s Next Steps to Reopen to the World [1]. The statement includes further clarity around arrangements being made by the Government to facilitate international travel for fully vaccinated Australians under Phase C of the National Plan [2]. Our vaccination rates remain the key to reopening.

Visit COVID-19 and the border ( [3] for more information including Travel for Vaccinated Australians, Leaving and Coming to Australia.

  ·         A reminder that the Department of Health’s website includes in-language translations on COVID-19 vaccine information. Please continue to check the Department of Health translated vaccines web pages for new-in language information and resources. COVID-19 vaccine information in your language | Australian Government Department of
Health [4]

  ·         ‘The how to get proof of your vaccinations through your immunisation history statement or COVID-19 certificate’ Services Australia factsheet has been updated and is available in 58 languages. There are many resources available including posters, social media, videos and audio. Getting proof of your COVID-19 vaccinations is free.
(Services Australia – proof-covid-19-vaccination-resources-community-groups [5])

Australia’s Skilled Migration Program – special webinar for communities – 27 October 2021  (7pm – 8pm)

  ·         Reminder: You are invited to attend a webinar on Australia’s Skilled Migration Program. Okke Velzeboer, the Business, Industry and Regional Outreach officer for the Department here in SA will talk about employer sponsored visa options, visa options for regional Australia, visa provisions during COVID-19, travel restrictions and exemptions.
Annette Davies and Juna Karki from Skilled + Business Migration from the SA Department of Innovation and Skills will discuss state sponsored visa options, skills recognition and possible pathways to employment. Please distribute this invitation to anyone who may be interested in your community – more detail is in the attached invitation.

Domestic and Family Violence (DFV) – information for organisations that supports temporary visa holders experiencing DFV

  ·         The Australian Government  has funded a pilot program supporting temporary visa holders experiencing DFV that includes financial assistance through the Australian Red Cross [6] and migration and legal support services. In support of this pilot, the Department of Home Affairs has established a dedicated DFV team to support temporary
visa holders experiencing DFV in Australia.  More information is available on the Department of Home Affairs website at Domestic and family violence and your visa [7].

  ·         The same website page has a section for service providers – that is, anyone working to support temporary visa holders experiencing DFV. Part of the work of the department’s DFV team will be to inform future policy responses for temporary visa holders experiencing DFV. They welcome discussions with service providers (including legal, specialist migration and community organisations) on this topic.  Please feel free to ask any service providers within, or to, your community to access the website, which includes how to contact them to provide feedback.

Fearlessly Australian

  ·         The Department of Home Affairs  is operating the Fearlessly Australian online platform which includes a series of podcasts and video casts ( [8]). Fearlessly Australian has been designed to engage vulnerable young Australian men. The platform hosts frank conversations that encourages resilience, and critical thinking, in young Australian men in times of uncertainty, change or adversity and presents alternatives to anti-social, criminal or extremist influences. The first series is hosted by Australian Professional Boxer Danny Green. The Fearlessly Australian platform includes a website and social media channels including Instagram, Facebook and YouTube. See attached flyers. If you would like further information about Fearlessly Australian or would like material to promote this (we have posters and postcards), please let us know.

Australian Values channels  – toolkit  – there’s more

  ·         More ‘tools’ have been added to the Department of Home Affairs’ ‘toolkit’ on the _Australian Values_ website and social media channels.  This toolkit brings together information from several government departments about online safety and building resilience against misinformation. The toolkit can be found at: [9] with the material available in English, Chinese, Vietnamese, and Arabic. The new ‘tools’
that have been added are:

  o   Stay Wise to Scams and Lies (Scamwatch)

  o   Is it fake news? How to tell if it’s fact of fiction (eSafety

  o   Update your devices (Australian Cyber Security Centre)

  o   The digital era means false information can spread fast (DIGI)

Contact us

Thank you for helping to keep your communities safe and informed. Please share this email with your communities, but do not make any alterations.

Ensuring we remain connected with your communities continues to be a high priority for the Department of Home Affairs and the Australian Government. Your feedback is vital to the Department and informs policy, decision making and government messaging. Please continue to pass your concerns and questions to us.

In particular, we are very interested in your views and/or feedback on the following:

        * RSVP Australia’s Skilled Migration Program – special webinar
        * Barriers or good news stories relating to COVID-19 vaccination
        * Fearlessly Australian Podcasts/ Video Casts
        * Australian Values website and social media channels
        * Interest in attending an information session on Scams and how to
avoid them – we are planning a session – watch this space
        * Issues related to travel restrictions and associated processes
        * Instances of misinformation or scams targeting your community
        * Any new economic impacts on the community
        * Any other emerging community issues.

Please advise us if you wish to be removed from this email list.


Department of Home Affairs, Community Engagement SA

Regional Director: Tania Gerlach

Community Engagement Team: Josephine Lamshed, Michelle Taylor, Claire
Markou, Ladan Safaie and Lisa Maloney

SA Community Engagement team

Social Cohesion Division

Department of Home Affairs

E: [email protected]
